Update: Monthly Finance Playbook

30 Minute Monthly Guide to Making Sure your Financial Model is Up-to-date with Historical Data Needed for Forecast vs Actuals

Kelvin Hudson avatar
Written by Kelvin Hudson
Updated over a week ago

The Big Picture Goal:

  • This will help you understand how your business is performing, help you build your financial muscle, and set us up for success in our quarterly reforecasting to set realistic revenue goals and keep a tight beat on your runway!

FIRST STEP: Schedule a monthly-recurring 30-minute block to run the Monthly Finance Playbook.

  • If you have accounting, schedule this recurring block for after the date your books close

  • If you don’t have accounting, schedule this recurring block in the first week of the month, like the “First Monday”

SECOND STEP: Update Key Metrics

  • Update your "key metrics" with actual values for the last month by finding them in Forecastr and manually editing the appropriate cells

FINAL STEP: Review & React!

  • Take a step back and consider the updates you just made. Did you hit your goals for your key metrics last month? Were there any that you missed?

  • What (if anything) do you need to do differently next month? Celebrate your wins, understand your misses, and build a better business!

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